Hi everybody. We just want to wish everybody a Merry Whatever-you-want. It's a been a great year, and we appreciate everyone who read the blog or listened to the podcast. If you're looking for us, we'll be guzzling Nyquil and eggnog and listening to Blowfly does Christmas.
And also watching psychedelic Mexican Xmas movies.
See you on the 26th!
- Ken,Stacey and the whole gang at Movies About Girls
And a Merry Christmas to all of you! Thanks so much for providing such consistently entertaining and well-written movie reviews! Happy holidays to the Movies About Girls crew, and I hope your 2010 is beyond awesome! --Roel
And a Merry Christmas to all of you! Thanks so much for providing such consistently entertaining and well-written movie reviews! Happy holidays to the Movies About Girls crew, and I hope your 2010 is beyond awesome! --Roel